
Monday, July 7, 2014

In a Limbo

In law, statelessness is the lack of any nationality, or the absence of a recognized link between an individual and any state.
A de jure stateless person is someone who is "not considered as a national by any state under the operation of its law".[1]
A de facto stateless person is someone who is outside the country of his or her nationality and is unable or, for valid reasons, unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of that country.[2] This can be a result of persecution or a consequence of lack of diplomatic relations between the state of nationality and the state of residence.
Some de jure stateless persons are also refugees, although not all asylum seekers are de jure stateless and not all de jure stateless persons are refugees. Many stateless persons have never crossed an international border. (

Today, I have witnessed the frustrations of a stateless person for the first time.
It broke my heart being an observer, the feeling of being helpless to help them.

I am just a normal person who is neither rich nor poor, but with a country that I am proud of. They might say I come from a third-world country afflicted by greediness and corruption, but still its a home where I am still secured. For how long, nobody knows and I hope I will not worry about it that much since its a country wherein the "cocktail of cultures" is our genetic make up and somehow we are peace-loving type of people.

Despite the fact that my race have been bashed, tortured, been called "capital of domestic helper" and among other gut-wrenching name-calling that befits an idiotic 3rd grader mentality of a bully. However, we still held our heads up high and even has foreign supporters who actually support us by write ups telling us how great it was have us around. It warms our heart and cheers up our perspective to pursue and strive more to be the best person that we could be.

Going back to the earlier scene, the only thing that I can probably be able to do is either be a part of the UN organization, or donate from my meagre income so these selfless people can do their work and reach out more to those who are in need and perhaps add a touch of prayers to the Big Man above to strike down those evil humans with lightning who causes the miseries of millions of people that are afflicted by the civil war in their own countries which will remind them that they are not going to live for a thousand years. Perhaps that way, we can still have peace...a great act of God is what we truly need.

I may have a tiny little voice which will probably go unnoticed, but if all of us will be one, maybe we can still demand peace among all nations and a bright future for the new generation. My plea to all leaders of each nation in this planet Earth, may it be a challenge to them to unite their people toward peace and to avoid hunger, famine, killings created by the human hands in their own countries. Let there be no more orphans, widows and stateless people. Stop the racism, procrastination and aggression. To each great leaders, you were chosen to build a peaceful and secured nation for each and every person in the world and give grave importance to each life and make it meaningful. And to each person, it is our task to support our leaders into making these wonderful dream happens.

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