
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Let the posting begins!!!!

Yes, I am that one hell-of-a-lazy butt who took almost a year to start posting my promised travel adventures (or better yet fun misadventures?)...well i do have some serious reasons to go along with it though (more excuses...excuses)...

2013-2014 was really a busy year for me, with all the changes that came into my life. From single, zombieness that resembles my everyday life, whining my heartbreaks (thanks God closed last year, which meant that all my endless sadness were actually finite...) to being alive physically, spiritually and mentally and all they lilies that goes along with it. Life kick starts around May 2013 when I moved back to Dubai (the New York of Middle East...the city that never sleeps) from my humdrum peaceful life in Abu Dhabi (dont get me wrong, im not complaining...i was really enjoying being a hermit and baking cakes during my AD tenure from 2009 to early 2013).

Anyhow, soon enough I will probably get around to posting all stuff of my wonderful and exciting life in UAE. Yes, I love...adore UAE and all the pros and cons in is my home for almost 8 years now and if only they give dual citizenship to the likes of me...ill probably the one first in line. UAE just grows on you, even the scorching heat in summer, which is always compensated with the lovely cold winters (sans snow). Most of the adult Emiratis are very kind and respectful toward the expats (even if you hit their Ferraris, they will still give u a smile...seriously!!!)...

i hope you love me too....

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